Eliksni Rescue | Message from Eido

Episode: Revenant Act I: Eliksni Rescue

Market District: Jail, The Last City

The Guardian listens to Eido’s message.

Eido: Guardian, your battles against the Revenants to save Eliksni captives from a fate worse than death… It’s like one of our old fables! I’ve learned so much about our lost homeworld lately. About how Ether flowed through all the plants and animals there. Not just the Eliksni. But for every drop I learn there’s a whole tank-full that was forgotten. That’s why it’s so important we learn from the few survivors, like Variks… and Eramis. I know you and Eramiskel share animosity, as my father would say. But she’s more than a leader, or a fighter, or a criminal. She’s a rare link to the secrets of Old Riis. I encourage you to put aside the past, and let Eramiskel help us. Or we risk making her the last of the Eliksni.

Episode: Revenant Act I: Eliksni Rescue

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