Eliksni Rescue | Fieldwork: Neptune

Zephyr Concourse, Neomuna

The Guardian drinks experimental tonic and defeats the Cabal.

The Crow: This is good. I’ll make sure to pass along the data to Eido.

Variks: Eido is not present?

The Crow: No, she’s in her lab. I offered to monitor comms. She left, uh, extensive notes.

Variks: [chitters thoughtfully] What is your opinion of Eido? Humor Variks, yes?

The Crow: She has a lot to learn about the world, but honestly, her naivete allows her to see things people like us miss. She saw the good still in Eramis. She saw the darkness growing in Mithrax.

Variks: Yes. Eido sees through unclouded eyes. A good judge of… character.

The Crow: What are you getting at?

Variks: There is only so much Variks can build. Any foundation for the future sinks into resentment of the past. House Judgment’s legacy suffers. Variks does not get the Once-Prince’s second chance. Varik’s legacy is forever stained.

The Crow: That’s not fair to you.

Variks: House Judgment deserves a fresh start as well. To see a new world with new eyes. Much as you have become, yes?

The Crow: Eido is that future. Isn’t she? Have you talked to her about this? Is it even something she wants?

Variks: Variks is old enough to know that what one wants to do and what one needs to do are often… very different things.

Eliksni Rescue | Fieldwork: Europa

Category: The Crow

Eliksni Rescue | Fieldwork: The Moon

Eliksni Rescue | Fieldwork: Europa

Category: Eliksni

Eliksni Rescue | Fieldwork: Nessus

Eliksni Rescue | Fieldwork: Europa

Category: Eramis

Eliksni Rescue | Message from Eido

Eliksni Evacuation

Category: Mithrax

Eliksni Rescue | Speak with Mithrax

Eliksni Rescue | Fieldwork: EDZ

Category: Variks

Eliksni Rescue | Message from Eido