Drifter: Hey, pick up. You're running with me on this hack job. You know how Hive computers work? Biotech. Your good-for-nothing Ghost buddy can't crack that code. But I figured it out, thanks to a few friends in low places — some graves. And Osiris gave me a few tips. Sounds like he's got experience. Weird dude. All we need is a few bloody stumps. Forwarding your first target, killer.
Eris’s Flat, Last City, Earth
The Guardian interacts with the Shaping Slab.
Mission: Dossier: Hive Hacking, Lightsinger’s Limb
Mission: Dossier: Hive Hacking, Cultist’s Limb
Mission: Dossier: Hive Hacking, Blade Navigator’s Head
Summoning Pits, Hellmouth, Luna
The Guardian defeats Yor ur-Halaku, Lightsinger.
Mission: Dossier: Hive Hacking, Lightsinger’s Limb
Catacombs, Hellmouth, Luna
The Guardian defeats Iyx ur-Anukru, Darksinger.
Mission: Dossier: Hive Hacking, Cultist’s Limb
Sorrow’s Harbor, Luna
The Guardian defeats Saruk ur-Omni, Darksinger.
Mission: Dossier: Hive Hacking, Blade Navigator’s Head
Eris’s Flat, Last City, Earth
The Guardian returns to the Shaping Slab.