Echoed Warnings | Anchored Thrones

Act I: Echoed Warnings

Sloane: Guardian, the Drifter's recon dredged up some intel.

Drifter: I'll keep it short. Energy's getting yanked on down from the Dreadnaught into Savathûn's throne world — a whole damn lot of it. Maybe she knows something we don't. Maybe... we can beat it out of her. Either way, sure ain't for nothing good.

Sloane: Guardian, you're on point. Get boots on the ground and investigate. Drifter, overwatch and comms.

Drifter: Yeah, yeah... I know how it goes.

The Guardian touches down on Savathûn's throne world.

Quagmire, Savathun’s Throne World

Drifter: Hey, killer. Luzaku and Fynch got us in here without Savathûn knowin'. But she'll get all three eyes on us soon enough. Which is fine by me — I'm spoilin' for a fight.

Luzaku: This one knows not the answers you seek, but understands your anger.

Drifter: I doubt that, wormbreath. Just stay out of our way.

The Guardian heads down towards the source of Taken energy.

Drifter: There's a tangle of Taken energy down in the Temple of Cunning. Everything points to a new Eversion Anchor — same as the one in the EDZ. Nothin' happens down here without Savathûn's say-so. She must want it for a reason. Got no idea how it fits in with the Dreadnaught, though.

Luzaku: Neither does this one. But in time, all things can be revealed.

Temple of the Wrathful, Savathun’s Throne World

The Guardian approaches the Temple of the Wrathful.

Drifter: The anchors move through the Ascendant Plane like a knife through Taken butter. No easy thing. It's hard to punch a hole; even harder to keep it open. But cutting right through a throne world? Those are like barnacles on the backside of the Ascendant Plane. That kinda power makes me nervous.

The Temple of Cunning, Savathun’s Throne World

The Guardian approaches the Temple of Cunning.

Drifter: There it is. Just as creepy as you left it.

Luzaku: Walk in the Sky, Guardians.

The Guardian enters the temple and is greeted by Savathûn.

Savathûn: You just can’t stop meddling, can you? You Guardians destroy everything you can’t control. This is my world. My throne. Nothing exists here without my say-so. Including you… So, in light of recent events, I believe we have a few things to discuss. Immaru thanks you for your hospitality, but our transaction is concluded. My Ghost is back at my side, where he belongs. He told me everything. Oh, Eris! What a loss. Poor dear is in a better place. That’s what Humans say, isn’t it? To comfort each other? Is that comforting? There. That’s over and done with; respects paid, condolences offered. Now I have a warning for my favorite Guardian. Stay away from my brother’s Dreadnaught. Stay away from my sister. This is a family matter. And nothing is gained by making an enemy of me. I think Eris would agree. Now leave.

Ghost projects Drifter's image.

Drifter: You gonna listen to that? You’re gonna let Savathûn talk about Eris like she knew her? You knew her. She never looked away from danger. Always got right into the thick of things. Y’know, she found something in me I thought I’d… lost. Now she’s dead. And what she found’s dead too. I just can’t shake it. That bone-deep feeling. And I felt it before. She’s gone… because I cared.

Act I: Echoed Warnings

Dredgen Title

Category: The Drifter

Echoed Warnings | Drifter’s Private Call


Category: Eris Morn

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Category: Savathûn

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