Echoed Warnings | Eris Morn's Final Message

Act I: Echoed Warnings

Drifter: I don’t know if you can… stand to hear my voice right now. I was there. I was— Sorry. [clears his throat] Eris had a message for her "knife". You keen on a little vengeance, killer? She kept plans for times like this — piles of balled-up scribbled paper and ink, in her old place in the City. Hadn't been staying there for a while, but... it's full of her things. You've probably walked by it a hundred times. I'll send you a pin. Whatever she left you there, you take it up, and you kill what killed her. I'll throw my cannon in on that too. Aiat, or... whatever, just... get it done.

Eris’s Flat, Last City, Earth

The Guardian listens to Eris’ final message.

Eris Morn: I have fallen, but I know that my life was not forfeit from inaction or fear. No. Mine was a life of ambition. Ambition, and triumph. Brya’s last gift to me was not squandered. I will speak my last words to those I have left behind. Ikora. I treasured your trust, and the faith that came with time. Thank you for everything you shared with me. Mara. My Queen. You saw my capabilities when few could. And… you embraced me for what I was. Know that I am grateful. Zavala. For a time, you saw me as an omen. But you came to trust me again, and accepted my help. I was glad of it. Drifter… We found comfort in each other. Grieve, but carry that comfort with you. Do not let this loss define you. And to the Guardian. You granted me my vengeance and my solace. Thank you, truly. I sought joy, at the end, and I found it. In myself and in my friendships. And so, in your grief, remember me thusly: I was a woman who slayed dragons and brought the Hive its its knees. A woman who claimed vengeance as her nature and saw it satisfied. This is the fate I made for myself. I have settled my regrets. Farewell.

Act I: Echoed Warnings

Echoed Warnings | Drifter’s Private Call

Category: Eris Morn

Echoed Warnings | Hive Hacking

Echo Chamber

Category: Ikora Rey

Echoed Warnings | Peer into the Shaping Slab

Country Radio V: Mara and Crow

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Exorcism: Severing Savathûn's Worm

Dread Patrol

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Enemy of My Enemy