Echoed Warnings | Drifter’s Private Call

Act I: Echoed Warnings

Eris’s Flat, Last City, Earth

The Guardian calls the Drifter in private.

Drifter: [sighs] Figured I owed you an explanation before I went dark. I'll make it quick. I tried to find a way to... bring her back. Heh. Don't ask me what I did, but... it didn't work. So I thought to myself, hey, I got what I always got. What's left for me, anyway? Nothin'. Knew it'd happen again. I was a fool to hope. But I couldn't help myself. I just wanted you to know, well... it's nothing personal. It's all me. This is who I am. Always has been. So don't come lookin'. I was already halfway gone.

Act I: Echoed Warnings

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Category: The Drifter

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