The Taken Path | Taken Osseus Fragments

The Blighted Cyst, Ascendant Plane

The Guardian enters a blighted cyst and retrieves a Taken osseous fragment.

Eris’s Apartment, The Last City

The Guardian returns the osseus fragment to Sloane to inspect.

The Taken Path

Sloane: Strong readings of Taken energy, not surprising. Here's the interesting part. This has not one, but two specific energy signatures. Síocháin says it's in some sort of quantum-dyadic state. Two things at once, somehow. Apparently "one thing hidden beneath the other" is a little too simplistic for how they're interlaced, but it's close enough. On a hunch, I had Síocháin set up a broad scan for anything else that matches either signature, and she got a hit. On Luna — that makes sense, it's still crawling with Hive. The signal's blinking in and out, though, so you might need some extra help to track it down once you're there. My recommendation? It's Hive, so think like the Hive do. I'm sure there's some sort of sigil you can use to see through illusions and mysteries. Keep this. I don't like it. Keep this. I don't like it.

The Guardian equips the Scotopic Rune to see through the Hive's efforts to hide secrets.

The Taken Path

K1 Revelation, Sorrow’s Harbor, Luna

The Guardian searches Sorrow's Harbor on the Moon for what the Hive are hiding. They defeat a Keeper of Power and retrieve a second Taken Osseous fragment.

The Taken Path

Veles Labyrinth, The Forgotten Shore, Cosmodrome

The Guardian searches the Forgotten Shore in the Cosmodrome to search for what the Hive are hiding. They defeat a Keeper of Power and retrieve a second Taken osseus fragment.

The Taken Path

Eris’s Apartment, The Last City

The Guardian returns to Sloane to retrieve additional data.

Sloane: Good progress. I'm refining our search parameters using the multiple fragments you've acquired to help triangulate, and I have a few new candidates for you to track down. It's going to be trickier than before — hope you're up for it.

Sloane: Let's talk next steps. Energy signature update: it's real, but Síocháin says it's oscillating in a way that makes it difficult to isolate even now that it isn't blinking in and out of existence. We'll need more of those fragments... they're like precipitated Taken energy. And that's where things get complicated. More complicated. The ones you found earlier were hidden by Hive rituals. These three — the trail goes cold hard, like it's cut off. Three different spots, same Taken energy signature overrides the ones we're looking for. Probably some sort of protection... A curse, maybe. Wards and curses are pretty much the same thing, to the Taken. Your fragments might have been moved from there to secondary locations, or might be onsite. Start by scouting the locations until you find something Taken that doesn't belong. Might be a blight, might be some kind of relic — just look around. When you've found it, hit it until it stops working. It could be there's room for more delicacy, but if all else fails, you have firepower for a reason. I'd go with you, but someone's got to run overwatch... do what you do best, Guardian. I trust you.

The Taken Path

Curse of Endurance

Curse of Urgency

Curse of Revenge

Sorrow’s Harbor, Luna

The Guardian heads to the Altars of Sorrow. They accept the Curse of Endurance.

Sloane: You'll have to get your hands dirty for this one. Taken power. Careful.

The Guardian clears the curse.

Curse of Endurance

The Hallowed Grove, European Dead Zone, Earth

The Guardian heads to the Hallowed Grove. They accept the Curse of Urgency.

Sloane: A sharper power than before. Move fast. They longer you hold it, the more it will hurt.

The Guardian defeats Vendraxis, Shadow of Oryx, and clears the curse.

Curse of Urgency

Traitor’s Ketch, Ocean of Storms, Luna

The Guardian accepts the Curse of Revenge.

Sloane: This one feels... different? No. I'm imagining it. Carry on.

The Guardian defeats the Nightmare of Skolas and clears the curse.

Curse of Revenge

Curse of Revenge

Curse of Endurance

Curse of Urgency

The Mausoleum, Dreadnaught, Rings of Saturn

The Guardian defeats Toriix, Hunter of Power.

The Taken Path

A Shadow Overhead

Category: Eris Morn


A Shadow Overhead

Category: Oryx


A Kell Rising

Category: Skolas

Entropy's Pinnacle