A Shadow Overhead

Zavala: The day we've been dreading has finally arrived. The Darkness is here. We need boots on the ground on Io. Recon. There's a Pyramid… It's already disabled Rasputin. I'd lean on Eris's expertise, but we haven't been able to reach her. We both know what that means. Eris is our best chance at understanding what we're up against. I need her at the Tower. She's too valuable an asset to… Find her, Guardian. Bring her home.

Lost Oasis, Echo Mesa, Io

The Guardian arrives on Io witnessing a Pyramid close to the surface.

Ghost: Eris Morn. A Guardian without a Ghost. I wonder how that must feel. Hollow. Unnatural. When I look at that ship… Eris, can you hears us? Eris? … Nothing. Zavala, come in.

Zavala: Any sign?

Ghost: My signals are being suppressed. I can't even summon a Sparrow.

Zavala: What do you see?

Ghost: The Pyramid. It's… oppressive. Like a storm building.

Zavala: Then be quick. Get out ahead of it.

Ghost: Understood.

The Guardian observes arc storms beneath the Pyramid and a light coming from the area known as "Last Eden." The Guardian is pulled towards the Pyramid.

Ghost: No, no… Don't — !

The Pyramid speaks through the Guardian's Ghost.

Ghost: You bring weapons. You will not need them. We offer only truth. We will ha — [static]

Court of Savathûn, Ascendant Plane, Io

An Ascendant Portal appears and the Guardian floats into it.

Ghost: Something pulled us out of the beam! What's happening? What is this place?

The Guardian discovers multiple massive shriekers called Savathûn's Witness and is teleported out of the Ascendant Plane.

Lost Oasis, Echo Mesa, Io

The Guardian continues to search for Eris.

Ghost: We're back on Io. Close to the Cradle…

Cradle Descent, Echo Mesa, Io

Ghost: I'm — I'm getting faint readings from Eris now. Let's keep moving. The air down here is choked with strange communications. I don't know if I can —

Eris Morn: Is that you, Guardian?

Ghost: You're needed back at the Tower. Zavala sent us —

Eris Morn: Of course he did. I'm moving towards the Cradle. It calls to me.

Ghost: It? What is it?

Eris Morn: The Hive are frenzied. [thrumming static] … cut through them. We mu— [whirring interference]

Ghost: Zavala? Did you catch that? [radio static] This interference… I can't triangulate a point of origin. Keep going. Maybe the signal is better up ahead.

Savathûn's Witness appears. The Taken attack the area.

Eris Morn: Guardian, your assistance would not be unwelcome! There are forces at play here I do not fully understand. The Hive — [grotesque Hive screaming] Aah!

Ghost: We need to move.

Ogre Ascendant appears. The Guardian defeats Ogre Ascendant and Savathûn's Witness moves towards the Cradle.

Ghost: All channels! Is anyone there?

Eris Morn: [wounded breathing obscured by static]

Ghost: Eris, talk to us. Say something.

Eris Morn: [distorted, painful cry]

Ghost: Please.

The Cradle, Echo Mesa, Io

The Guardians discovers the Tree at the Cradle. Savathûn's Witness appears. The Guardian goes to the base of the Tree and is teleported into the Ascendant Plane.

Court of Savathûn, Ascendant Plane, Io

Ghost: Something pulled us back in. It's keeping us from Eris!

Guardian defeats Envoy of Savathûn

The central Savathûn's Witness disappears and multiple Savathûn's Witness shriekers begin attacking the Guardian.

Ghost: There are too many of them!

Eris Morn: Enough!

The Guardian is teleported out of the Ascendant Plane.

The Cradle, Echo Mesa, Io

The Guardian approaches Eris Morn beneath the Tree.

Ghost: You're hurt.

Eris Morn: It… is nothing. But this. This is something. A Tree of Silver Wings. It grew from the last place the Traveler touched before it left this world. The Darkness was drawn here. As the Hive is drawn to the Darkness. These eyes of mine. The things they have seen…

Eris attempts to claim the Seed of Silver Wings and is denied.

Ghost: What was that?

Eris Morn: Something that does not want us here.

Ghost: Darkness.

Eris Morn: No. But it is of the Darkness. It has to be you, this time.

The Guardian claims the Seed of Silver Wings.

Seed of Silver Wings

Zavala: [static] … anyone's there! I repeat: Come in.

Ghost: We hear you, Zavala!

Zavala: Have you found her?

Eris Morn: The Seed breaks through the interference…

Zavala: Eris.

Eris Morn: Zavala.

Zavala: Report back to me in the Tower, both of you. Our transmissions may be compromised.

Eris Morn: Let's not keep him waiting, Guardian.

The Courtyard, The Tower, The Last City, Earth

Erin Morn approaches Zavala in his office.

Zavala: What did you find?

Eris Morn: It found me. The Darkness reached out to me, but something interferes. Its messages to us are being defaced.

Zavala: Defaced?

Eris Morn: By the witch-sister of the Taken King Oryx: Savathûn.

Zavala: Your obsession gives her power.

Eris Morn: No. She feeds on denial. Ignorance. The Guardian has discovered a means to circumvent her: a seed of Silver Wings.

Zavala: Eris —

Eris Morn: If the Dark reaches out, we must reach back.

Zavala: I will not sanction this!

Eris Morn: We are beyond sanctions. It is here. I will return to Io. If we cannot determine what the Darkness seeks, we will find ourselves on the verge of a Second Collapse. Perhaps that is what Savathûn wants.

Zavala: Please don't.

Eris Morn: Let me go, Zavala.

Eris Morn leaves through a portal. The Guardian enters Zavala's office.

Zavala: Where were we?

Ghost: According to spectral analysis, the Pyramid… Its propulsion… the energy its manipulating on Io… I don't see a ship. I see a being… Paracausal in nature.

Zavala: Like the Traveler.

Ghost: All records of the Golden Age agree: On the first day, the sky filled with darkness. On the second, the Traveler fell.

Zavala: Help Eris where you can, but be ready to deal with the enemy fleet when it arrives. We need you, Guardian.

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