Eventide Ruins, Europa
The Crow: Eyes up, Guardian. We’re responding to a distress call from House Salvation civilians. They wouldn’t ask us for help if it wasn’t so dire, so let’s use our leverage wisely. This is a humanitarian mission, so hold fire on all Eliksni targets. Good luck.
The Crow: The Hidden report that Eramis is on-site. Your orders are to take her… alive. Now I know she’s caused a lot of damage, but killing her will only harden anti-human sentiment. I’m not turning my first op as Hunter Vanguard into a bloodbath.
Riis-Reborn Approach, Europa
The Guardian defeats the Scorn.
The Crow: This is bizarre, Guardian. It’s not an attack, it’s a roundup. But new Scorn only come from dead Eliksni. So why do they want the prisoners alive?
The Guardian tracks down Eramis.
The Crow: House Salvation ships are bailing for Earth, and the H.E.L.M. just arrived to take on stragglers. There’s a lot of reasonable distrust of Eramis’ people, but I’m taking the long view. I want to prove that Hunters can build bridges, not just blow them up.
The Guardian frees the House Salvation prisoners.
The Crow: There’s something different about these Scorn. The freed civvies keep referring to them as “na-veskirisk”. Which translates to “not lifeless.” Not sure what they mean by that.
The Guardian pushes forward to find Eramis.
The Crow: Xenobiological analysis is in: These Scorn are made of living tissue, Guardian. Not necrotic like normal. Na-veskirisk. Fikrul must have found a new source of power. Something paracausal.
Eramis: Stand before me if you dare! I’ll send you back to the drift again and again!
The Fanatic: Since father Uldren, Scorn were born dead. Great Machine for Humans only. No more. Now I am blessed with Light. Power to make life!
The Guardian defeats the Revenant Scorn.
Eramis: House Salvation will never bow. Not to the Scorn, and not to the Vanguard!
The Crow: Eramis is getting away, Guardian. Chase her down!
The Guardian chases down Eramis.
The Crow: Damn. Fikrul got his hands on an Echo. He’s using it to mutate the Ether of living Eliksni. That explains this new breed of Scorn, and why he wants the captives alive. For now, let’s keep our eyes on the prize. Eramis is cornered. I’m coming down to personally negotiate her surrender. Standby.
The Guardian provides backup for Crow.
The Crow: Good work, Guardian. This has been a long time coming. Eramiskel. It’s not for me to judge you, but… I speak for the people of the Last City now. They’re demanding justice for all the people you’ve harmed — Guardians and civilians both. And it’s my job to deliver you.
Eramis: [scoffs] The “justice” of thieves and oppressors. What hypocrisy. Your blades are covered in the Ether of my kin.
The Crow: Think of the kin you have left. They’re aboard the H.E.L.M. right now, and they need you. You can’t abandon them. Besides, if I came back without you, Eido would never forgive me.
Eramis: If I come quietly, you will guarantee safe harbor for my people?
The Crow: As long as they disarm and live peacefully with House Light… they’ll be safe in the City. You have my word.
Eramis: I expect the Guardian to enforce that. Now take me to Eido.
Crow, Eramis, and the Guardian transmat to the H.E.L.M. in a cutscene.
The Crow: All hands! This is the Hunter Vanguard. We have a high value prisoner on board and a House Salvation Ketch inbound. Prepare for boarding defense.
A Ketch attacks the H.E.L.M.
The Crow: We don’t want to fight your rescue team, Eramis; call them off.
Eramis: I’m not the one in need of a rescue. One HE finds you… it’s too late.
Fikrul boards the H.E.L.M.
Fikrul: Father! I bring a gift: the power to make all Eliksni our children! Reborn through extinction — risen as Scorn!
A virus consumes the Eliksni aboard the H.E.L.M.
Eliksni: [snarling]
Fikrul: Bow to Fikrul, Kell of Kells!
The Ketch crashes into the H.E.L.M.
The Crow: [grunts] We’ve lost steering — we’re going down!
Failsafe: I am assuming control of this vessel, due to a comprehensive failure of Arc conduit systems and my extensive experience with crash landings. Please brace for turbulence as we slam directly into—