The Farm, Earth
The Guardian visits a terminal at the Farm.
The Crow: Amanda. I need to talk to you.
Holliday: What, "before it's too late"?
The Crow: Yes.
Holliday: Crow, don't...
The Crow: I thought I'd lost you.
Holliday: Don't talk to me like that. [sighs] Look, I know you're sorry. I know it wasn't really "you". I wanna forgive you. I really do. I... I tried to pull Crow and Uldren Sov apart.
The Crow: I tried too. But it wasn't right.
Holliday: I wish I could see you another way, but... I don't. I — I can't. Not yet.
The Crow: Tell me what to do, and I'll do it.
Holliday: It's not like that. [sighs] I know it ain't fair to you. And maybe I'll feel different someday. But not now.
The Crow: ...I understand.
Holliday: There's tough times ahead of us — we gotta work together. It's like y'alls Ghosts always say... Eyes up, Guardian.
The Farm, Earth
The Guardian visits a terminal at the Farm.
Mithrax: Devrim. I had heard of you before our first meeting.
Devrim: Oh? Good things, I hope.
Mithrax: There is much good. But you were feared as well.
Devrim: If my reputation is for keeping the people of the EDZ safe, then I don't regret it. But I hope we can work alongside one another now.
Mithrax: We have one life, and our lives are not for us alone. Mine is for my daughter, and my House. Yours is for your partner and your people. We share much.
Devrim: Outside the City, we can't always depend on the Guardians. And the Traveler... ehh, has been somewhat inscrutable.
Mithrax: Hmm. I once believed that the Great Machine had brought the Light to Riis and to the Guardians because they were worthy of it. Then I... I questioned this understanding. My belief became... hollow. I felt a great loss. But I have found new purpose. There is worth in our actions, and in our spirit. It is how we use our one life. We must let that be our Light.
Devrim: Our people protect one another and do what they must to ensure their safety. Now, we can do so much for each other-Human and Eliksni.
Mithrax: Yes, I do not know the Great Machine's will... but the Light provides.
Devrim: It does.
The Farm, Earth
The Guardian visits a terminal at the Farm.
Eramis: Misraakskel.
Mithrax: Eramis? I have nothing to say to you. I spared your life, and you used it to return to your hate and violence!
Eramis: I will not thank you for your mercy, or ask for your forgiveness. But I am not your enemy,.
Mithrax: You spoke this way before. Eido believed your lies then. I will not do so now.
Eramis: I saved your daughter's life. I know she is the future of the Eliksni. But the Machine-spawn will never allow us that future. Again and again, they cut us down; when we seek to unify our Houses, when we seek power for ourselves. They will never see you as their equal.
Mithrax: And you believe that we are equals? You bow to the Witness, and a god of the Hive!
Eramis: We are the leaders of our people, and we must find power where we can. You did the same when you chose to live amongst those who have slaughtered us for centuries.
Mithrax: I have ended that violence.
Eramis: It has not ended. You just live behind our enemy's walls. Your House relies on hope as much as mine does. I want us to be free. To be gentle, and care for each other. I want us to be weavers and dancers again. That is why you did not kill me. Because you want this as well. But until we control our own future, the Eliksni will never be these things again.
The Farm, Earth
The Guardian visits a terminal at the Farm.
Mithrax: I have known grief. And loss. But Amanda did not have to die! If I had listened to Eramis's warning—
Mara Sov: Far more would have died. Amanda knew this, as did you. You were not her protector.
Mithrax: I know that this is true. But this loss... it is my failure.
Caiatl: No, Mistaakskel. You dishonor Holliday's memory.
Mithrax: I mean no dishonor! She sacrificed herself so that I could live. It is a great guilt.
Caiatl: Her death was no sacrifice. Holliday died for her own convictions, not ours.
Mara Sov: Amanda could not be counseled otherwise, nor would she have been. This was her choice, and we must remember it with respect.
Mithrax: Her death brings an emptiness. Commander Zavala, the Crow... they feel her loss greatly.
Caiatl: Holliday did not die for your grief.
Mara Sov: The Empress is... indelicate. That is her grief. And this is mine. As leaders, we feel loss too often. I will not tell you not to mourn. Bear your sorrow, Misraaks. But set aside your guilt. Let her memory inspire. Let her conviction light our way.
Caiatl: Well said, Queen of the Awoken. Cabal carve our tusks with our victories, and they are recounted at our funeral rites. Holliday's victories will be remembered always.
The Farm, Earth
The Guardian visits a terminal at the Farm.
Mara Sov: Crow.
The Crow: What do you want?
Mara Sov: I wish to speak with you.
The Crow: I don't have time for this, or for you.
Mara Sov: We've all lost someone dear to us.
The Crow: If you mean me... you don't show it.
Mara Sov: I wanted to. But I held my heart so closely that I smothered it. I don't want to see you do the same!
The Crow: You don't know me. Stop talking like you do.
Mara Sov: I know how we grieve. It is raw... and violent. I know we believe that keeping others away from it will protect them. But we don't do it to protect them. We do it to protect ourselves! We do it because it is easy.
The Crow: Nothing about this is easy! [sighs] You didn't know her.
Mara Sov: Then tell me who she was.
The Crow: She was... she was a sunrise.
Mara Sov: Grieve its setting. But do not turn your grief into armor. Let us bear you through it.
The Crow: I'll try.
Mara Sov: I know you will.
The Farm, Earth
The Guardian visits a terminal at the Farm.
Zavala: Holliday... I know the Traveler won't bring you back. But if you did... you wouldn't remember any of us, or who you were. You wouldn't remember what you did. Tradition would dictate I not tell you... but I think I would. I would hold your hand... and tell you that you were the best of us. Fearless, kind, and joyful. Skilled, stubborn... brave and principled. Even to the end. And I would tell you how much you meant to the people who loved you.
I know that if you became a Guardian, you would be all those things again. But here, now... We can only live in the better world you've made for us, and hold ourselves to the example you've set. Thank you. For what you did... and who you were.
Goodbye, Amanda.