Act I - Prologue | Onslaught: Salvation

Act I - Prologue

Eventide Ruins, Europa

Mithrax: Guardian, the Scorn are imprisoning Salvation Eliksni. You are needed to stabilize their defenses.

The Crow: I pulled rank to get you an Advanced Defense Unit on short notice. Think I ruffled a few feathers, so let’s make it worthwhile.

Mithrax: We must prove that Eramis is not the only Kell who offers hope to the Eliksni.

The Guardian rescues the Eliksni from the Revenant Scorn.

Eido: Your support is many-armed, as always, Guardian! Thank you for representing my father as his Slayer Baron. I've left you something for your trouble.

The Guardian defeats the Etherbound Familiar.

Variks: Guardians, you do us honor with your service. Eliksni have long memories. We will remember this.

Spider: Oh ho! Look at you, all grown up. From deputy of the “Shore’s Only Law” to…what’s your title now? Eh, I’ve never been clear.

Crow: I wasn’t your deputy. I was your property.

Spider: Let’s not go saying things we can’t take back. Besides, it all turned out for the best, didn’t it?

Crow: Which you had nothing to do with. But… I’m not a petty person, Spider. And this, whatever it is you’re doing right now? It’s a petty person’s game. And I’m done playing your games.

Act I - Prologue

Wild Hunt Strides

Category: The Crow

Ahamkara Tales - Osiris & Crow (Week 1)

Act I - Prologue | Mithrax & Variks

Category: Eliksni

Act I - Prologue | Speak with Mithrax

Act I - Prologue | Eido’s Gift

Category: Eramis

Ahoy and Aweigh: Speak with Spider

Act I - Prologue | Mithrax & Variks

Category: Mithrax

Act I - Prologue | Speak with Mithrax

Act I - Prologue | Mithrax & Variks

Category: Variks

A Kell Rising