Act I - Prologue | Mithrax & Variks

Act I - Prologue

Tonic Laboratory, The Last City

The Guardian approaches Misraaks, Variks transmats in.

Mithrax: I greet you in the Light, Guardian. I regret that you must see me like this. Eido insists that this is slowing the curse, but… it is no cure.

Variks: Mm. Much Eliksni medicine was forgotten. [chitters] Eido seeks a remedy in secrets of Old Riis.

Mithrax: There are few still living who know the ways of our old home.

Variks: Eramiskel remembers. Captured by the Guardian this day. She will help.

Mithrax: Her love for the Eliksni is poisoned by her hatred of the Great Machine.

Variks: But now she will see wisdom in your path… yes? Safety with House Light. Protected by Guardians.

Mithrax: Safe… but not whole. I thought being near the Great Machine would help reclaim what we lost on Riis. But I look at our hatchlings now, living in the ruins of humanity, building lives from scrap. And I see that we are debased. Corrupted. Defiled! Doomed to meet our final end… as Scorn.

Variks: Trust in Eido. Variks teaches the ways of House Judgement. She will find old solutions to new problems. [chitters] You will see.

Variks transmats away and a cutscene of Old Riis plays.

Mithrax: Even after the Traveler fled our sky, and our world was swept away in horror, after our great Houses fell to betrayal and futile war, some Eliksni held hope for unity, and a future for our people. I do not know how much time remains to me. But if none challenge Fikrul, that dream is lost. Fikrul will condemn Eliksni to decay and ruin. We will be a dead people, ruled over by the dead. My life is for my daughter, and my House. Let them see that I still believe the old stories. Old stories tell that when Riis was threatened by dangers no weapon could defeat it, the Kells would call upon… a Slayer Baron… one possessed of forgotten knowledge, capable of impossible feats… one who can stand against an unrelenting foe. Does that not describe you well, my friend? So much of our history is tale and myth. But the Scribe Variks remembers much. And what he cannot recall, Eido will help you uncover. I name you my Slayer Baron, and I beg of you: defend our House. Defend our people. Deliver them from this second Whirlwind. And when the time comes… deliver them from my curse.

Act I - Prologue

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