Wishing All the Best - Speak to Petra (Week 3)

Wishing All the Best

Vanguard Orbital Command, H.E.L.M.

The Guardian activates the holoprojector.

Petra Venj: The Techeuns are in final preparations for the Lodestone. Your work in its calibration was invaluable. It will serve as a beacon for the queen to make contact with her personal Harbinger. She'll commune with it — ask it to guide the remainder of the clutch back to us. It's the last of its kind… and it's good to see a Harbinger, normally a weapon of war, used for diplomacy. Even with Riven. In the past, the pinnacle of the Spine of Keres provided the open sky the queen needed for this communion. It will suffice again. But the Taken contest that region, as they have since Riven’s curse rang out. They will hinder your every step. So cut through them. Secure the spine, and the queen will do the rest.

Wishing All the Best

Wishing All the Best - Speak to Petra (Week 2)

Category: Riven

Wishing All the Best - Speak to Riven (Week 1)

Wishing All the Best - Speak to Petra (Week 2)

Category: Petra Venj

Wishing All the Best - Tautology (Week 2)