Vanguard Orbital Command, H.E.L.M.
The Guardian interacts with the holoprojector.
Petra Venj: Bad news, Guardian. I bring word from the Techeuns: Riven's clutch has dispersed across the Ley Lines of the Ascendant Realm. They now orbit our reality, like comets around a sun... hopefully not beyond our reach. The Techeuns are uncertain how this happened, but they've detected a massive surge of paracausal energy across the entire transit system. The residual energy has allowed us to predict each egg's trajectory across the Lines. The Techeuns themselves were once scattered across the Lines in kind. Guardians were there to guide them home, and we can secure the clutch using the same strategy. Riven has caused so much strife... and yet we prostrate ourselves to placate her once again. And too many Corsairs will die on this quest to give the Ahamkara a second chance. As I said, we once utilized the Ley Lines to find lost Techeuns. We can use them again. Fight your way into the Blind Well and reroute the Lines through Riven's Lair. We'll prepare landings for the clutch as best we can.