Eris’s Flat, Last City, Earth
The Guardian interacts with the Shaping Slab.
Sloane: One day, we'll be shot of this mess. Guardian. I have an additional scavenger hunt for you. More signals like those fragments you found in the first place have been popping up — all over the Dreadnaught. Maybe it's an excess of caution, but I don't like leaving them out there for anyone to pick up and use. Unfortunately, we couldn't get specific locations. Just that they're here, and if me and my sensors can read them? Taken sure can. Probably Hive, too. So, get out there, find them, and... Well, I think you can probably siphon their energy into your new weapon, but it's going to require some better control of Taken energies. Let's work at it a bit at a time. Soon enough you'll be a master.