The Guardian locates the first worm.
Savathûn: Tithes are too rich for my blood these days. I subsist on lighter fare. Air and sweet nothings. But I can feel the Hive near you sending on their tithes so dutifully. Now who do you think is collecting the dues?
The Guardian locates the second worm.
Savathûn: Eir. Yul. Ur. I haven't been on speaking terms with those old invertebrates in a long time. But I've got three good eyes, and I can see the smoke going up from the temple chimney. A god with a bargain to make is rarely left waiting for his priest.
The Guardian locates the third worm.
Savathûn: Don't the Hive down there look perfectly gormless? Following along with the Dread. No plans of their own. I certainly can't believe all my nieces and nephews are that dull. And that leads their nasty-minded auntie to think... what's everyone else up to?