Cutscene begins at 25:23 and ends at 26:36.
The Traveler above the earth, surrounded by the Black Fleet. It fires its beam into the Witness's ship, ripping a hole in the side. Roots grow around the breach.
Osiris: While our attention was drawn to Neptune, something wicked stirred in the Witness's Pyramid, a life force thought to be lost, unknowingly revived by the Traveler's terraforming power.
Nezerac within his crystal, arms crossed before the plants. Behind him, the roots grow into a Tree of Silver Wings.
Osiris: Its defensive display forever imprinted upon the vessel. The infamous "final god of pain" sought to use this paracausal power for his own curiosities. But it proved to be his final mistake.
Neomuna is surrounded by Nezarec's hand, which shatters into dust and disappears. Flickering circuitry remain above the city.
Osiris: The people of Neomuna may now be free of Nezarec's influence, but the Cabal and Vex remain at their doorstep, though an unanswerable question remains on all our minds...
The portal on the Traveler's surface. An image of the Witness appears behind it and four planets and earth come into view.
Osiris: Where has the Witness gone? We must begin our search in the pieces it has left behind. It will not succeed for as long as we remain in existence.