Rites of the Deep | Willbreaker Shard: Champions

Act II: Rites of the Deep

Eris’s Flat, Last City, Earth

The Guardian approaches the Shaping Slab.

Sloane: Let’s pick up Willbreaker where you and Eris left off. I want every weapon we can get our hands on against the Deep and the Echo. Drifter’s been working with Ikora’s Hidden to track down the resonant pieces of Oryx’s sword shards.

Drifter: They wanted me to follow all sorts of protocol. Had to skirt the rules to get the job done.

Sloane: I don’t need the details. Guardian, deployment posted. You’re up.

Act II: Rites of the Deep

Rites of the Deep | Trial of Will: Ambition

Category: Eris Morn

Rites of the Deep | Willbreaker Shard: Dreadnaught

Rites of the Deep | Trial of Will: Ambition

Category: Oryx

Rites of the Deep | Willbreaker Shard: Dreadnaught

Report: REVERSE-LURE: Briefing

Category: Ikora Rey
