Rites of the Deep | Speak to Drifter

Eris’s Flat, Last City, Earth

The Guardian gazes into the Shaping Slab.

Drifter: Hey, hero. Got an update for ya. Sounds like you and Eris and Sloane have the Taken stuff under control, so I’m headed out on recon duty. Haul’s stayin’ parked right where it is. This is a short trip, don’t you fret. But it’s like Sloane said: it got “Hive god” worse around here, and now our backup plans need backup plans. So here’s mine. That ain’t all the pieces of Oryx’s sword. Not by a long shot. I’m putting some feelers out. Hunting down where those pieces have wandered off to. You never know when you might need a wicked Hive sword. So everything’s under control. No need to worry about old Drifter. I’ll give you a shout when I’ve got somethin’.

Rites of the Deep | Shattered Will: Vorok, Sentinel Eternal

Category: Eris Morn

Rites of the Deep | Trial of Will: Ambition

Rites of the Deep | Rifts in the Nether

Category: Oryx

Rites of the Deep | Trial of Will: Ambition