Rites of the Deep | Court of Blades

Act II: Rites of the Deep

The Hall of Souls, Dreadnaught, Rings of Saturn

The Guardian enters the Court of Blades

Echo of Navigation: Welcome to the new High War, Knife of My Slaying. My sister apprised me of your triumphs. [grunts in amusement] Our logic is proved in violence. But many pretenders challenge your sovereignty. Do not disappoint us, heir.

Sloane: Play his games for now, Guardian. We need the shards of the Willbreaker to reach Eris. Lot of would-be Taken Kings at this Hive gala. Pry the shards from their corpses.

Objective: Neutralize Hostiles. The court demands a display of sword logic to open the way.

The Guardian enters the portal


Echo of Navigation: Once levied, a death tithe must be paid. Whether it is your blood that is spilled or not. The Deep is sated all the same. The strongest must assume the Taken throne. Show us the strength you showed me, King!

The Guardian defeats the Ascendant Challengers.

Sloane: Something’s not sitting right with me. The goal of this entire “High War” is to crown a new Taken sovereign. That means no one’s speaking to the Taken. But the one that killed Eris was led by something.


The Guardian challenges further Ascendant Challengers.

Echo of Navigation: What speaks to you in the hollowness of silence? Is it a figment of your own terror, or something else entirely? Listen with intent, heir. Listen closely, and you may hear it. The Taken and the Dread… both yearning for a voice to follow.

The Guardian defeats the Ascendant Challengers.

Sloane: Good work, Guardian. But there’s more of ‘em. You’ll have to prove yourself in this ritual to get the shards. The Hive have their traditions.


A final challenger challenges the Guardian's claim.

Echo of Navigation: I see your strength, Sovereign-Presumptive. But I sense the hesitance in your heart. To Take is a burden. You will become the voice of billions. Every shred of their will shall be directed by your word.

The Guardian completes the activity and claims a shard of Willbreaker.

Sloane: The Echo wants you to take the mantle because you slew the Taken King. I’m sure there’s a small part of you that entertains the notion. Don’t get any ideas, Guardian. Remember: Taken energy is a weapon. If you let it become more than that… bad things happen.

Act II: Rites of the Deep

Memories of the Hive Gods

Category: The Logic of the Sword

Rites of the Deep | Court of Blades: Xivu & Oryx

Rising Resistance

Category: Eris Morn

Rites of the Deep | Echo Discussion