Osiris Pondering

Cutscene begins at 19:41 and ends at 20:42

The Pouka Pond, Neomuna

Osiris squats by the pond, gazing at his reflection in the water. He tosses a stone in and stands to watch the ripple.

Osiris: What is this attraction?

Osiris holds out his hand as a Pouka comes around and floats above it. He lowers his head, clenching a fist.

Osiris: Sagira, could you run some scans— Oh... right.

Osiris and the Pouka turn to look at the approaching Rohan.

Rohan: Am I interrupting?

Osiris: Rohan.

Rohan holds his own hand out for the pouka as it orbits his body.

Osiris: I've been pondering the Veil’s paracausal effects on Ghosts.

Osiris lowers his head.

Osiris: I know I haven't been the easiest guest in your city.

Rohan: Pain is not a hindrance. It simply reminds us we're still breathing. Still fighting.

He suddenly turns to look at Cabal ships ferrying the Radial Mast to the inner city.

Rohan: They're going to attempt a link! We have to stop them!

Rohan begins to run. Osiris glances at the pouka and starts to follow.

Osiris confronts the Warmind

Category: Osiris

Parting the Veil: Research Log 8