Grave Robber | Mithrax’s Condition

Act II - Grave Robber

The Guardian speaks to Eido at the holoprojector.

Eido: My father’s condition is deteriorating. He’s not himself. His mind veers constantly toward vengeance. He questions those most loyal to him, and — And I have nothing! No answers. No cure. Only jars full of powders and a few hundred ancient texts I can’t make sense of! I-I’m sorry. I-I shouldn’t… You have enough to worry about. Variks has some troubling reports from the old prison. Apparently, there have been intruders. Someone else with an interest in Fikrul’s new abilities. He needs you over there right away. I don’t know how much longer my father has. And if a Kell of Kells isn’t there to challenge Fikrul… We have to end this soon.

Act II - Grave Robber

Grave Robber | Mithrax on the Holoprojector

Category: Mithrax

Grave Robber | Speak with Mithrax

Grave Robber | Eido’s Plan

Category: Variks

Grave Robber | Speak with Mithrax