Grave Robber | Eido at the Holoprojector

Grave Robber

Tonic Laboratory, The Last City

Eido: I… Obviously my father misspoke, Guardian. It frustrates him he cannot follow you into the field. Queen Mara would prefer that we keep any Awoken structures intact, and my father respects that. He’s dealing with a lot right now, and I know he relies on your better judgment. I’m sure the Queen will understand if we pick up a few items while we’re inside, though. There must be all kinds of useful material in the Prison of Elders. Awoken Tech, too. Bring me whatever you can find, and maybe I can develop some new tonics. I know it’s been picked over a few times, but it’s a big prison… Maybe too big. A lot of prisoners lived out their final days in that place… So much misery and bloodshed. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that Fikrul made his way back there.

Act II - Grave Robber

Final Wish - Speak with Mara

Category: Queen Mara Sov

Heist Battleground: Mars (Week 4)