Echoed Warnings | Trial of Will: Resolve

Act I: Echoed Warnings

Sloane: We kicked in the front door to the Dreadnaught all right, but something in there is keeping us from pushing deeper. I—I was afraid of this. If we’re going to stop the Taken, I’ll need you to follow me down a dangerous path. We can start by getting eyes on that anchor point you found in the EDZ. They’re obviously connected.

The Spine of Keres, The Dreaming City

The Guardian approaches Sloane

Sloane: Guardian, ready for some fieldwork? This one might not be… by the book. That anchor that took you to the Dreadnaught is close. You’re going to turn it into our weapon. This is how we avenge Eris. This is how we force these Taken anchors right back down the Dreadnaught’s throat. Head there, and what control I’ve learned over my own blight, I’ll teach to you.

The Guardian pushes forward.

Sloane: You’ll have to make a path to the anchor. Get to it.

Blighted Eyes appear and the Guardian is afflicted with Suffocating Terror

Sloane: That thing makes me uneasy… I… can’t stand looking at it, even through the feed. Síocháin says it’s radiating corrosive energy like what I tapped into on Titan. Damn… You’ll need to soak in it, but not too much or you’ll die. Remember: focus, control, resolve.

The Guardian clears the Taken.

Park it here. Let’s get a look at what we’re dealing with. Okay. We know it’s connected to the Dreadnaught somehow, and it funnels Taken shock troops to corrupt the surface. You’re going to bend that corruption into a feedback loop. Steel your mind. Make your way to the target, and listen to every word I tell you.

The Guardian clears more Taken.

Sloane: I’ve learned that being Taken is all about control. You have to keep the idea of who you are intact, and shrug off anything telling you otherwise. Taken offer themselves, by choice. You will, too, but not fully. You'll extend your hand, and grip their power in your fist util it submits. Remember what you want, will it into truth — just like you do with the Light. Let it temper your resolve. If you can do that, you'll survive. If you can't... then I guess we'll finally know who'd win an arm-wrestling match between us.

The Guardian approaches the Blight.

Sloane: Now there’s just the anchor. Stay sharp, and focus your will. Offer the handshake… then shatter their grip with your Light!

The Guardian interacts with the Blight and absorbs it.

Sloane: There’s… something else! Fight it! Focus, now hold… and pull back! That’s it. You ripped it out by the roots… and absorbed some of its energy. You’re not blighted like me, but it’s enough to impose your will and use their power. We’ll keep refining, keep tapping into it. For now, you’re ready to hit the Dreadnaught again.

Act I: Echoed Warnings

Echoed Warnings | Tome of Want

Category: Eris Morn

Enemy of My Enemy