Sloane: So, the anchors are weapons. Like the one Oryx used at the Battle of Saturn. Classic, typical. Every damn thing near the Hive gets sharpened into a shiv at some point. [sighs] Well, we're making progress. We've got more of the Dreadnaught mapped now than ever, stopped every blight from taking form, and your resolve is iron. We've disabled the Dreadnaught's weaponry before. We can do it again. Savathûn can make all the threats she wants. I want you back on that ship. Track down the Echo while Drifter and I do some digging. I think some of the intel you've turned up details how to interface with the Dreadnaught's systems... I'll look into it.
Eris’s Flat, Last City, Earth
The Guardian interacts with the Shaping Slab.