Drifter: Hey, hero. How you livin’? Word on the ground is somethin’ big landed in the EDZ. Vanguard needs you to check it out.
Eris Morn: We believe it originated from the Dreadnaught. Oryx’s flagship… the throne of a king long deposed.
Drifter: That means Taken. Me ‘n Eris are on our way to Saturn’s orbit.
Eris Morn: Go to Trostland, Guardian. The corruption that spread from the Dreadnaught must be found and cut out. And the Drifter and I will staunch its source.
Hangman’s Pass, European Dead Zone
The Guardian touches down in the EDZ.
Drifter: The impact site is nearby. Got you as close as I could. Get to Hangman’s Pass. We’re on our approach to the Dreadnaught now.
The Guardian heads to the anomalous blight.
Drifter: Whatever landed in the EDZ is punching holes into the Ascendant Plane.
Eris Morn: Rifts, yes. I fear the Taken may not be as leaderless as we hoped. But if the Hive sisters had the inclination, they would have grasped control by now. A Taken Queen. A crown unclaimed does not sit idle long.
Drifter: Got eyes on the Dreadnaught. Something’s wrong. It’s being… skinned alive.
Eris Morn: Flayed of its living flesh.
Drifter: I’ll find an LZ.
The Guardian clears the Darkness rift.
Drifter: We’re on board.
Eris Morn: Inside its fetid halls once again. Even without its navigator, this ship holds many terrors.
Drifter: Ugh, looks worse inside. Cut right down to the bone.
Eris Morn: Its flesh is being consumed by Taken decay.
The Dire Taken spring a trap.
Drifter: Taken blight pushin’ you out. Find a way around it.
The Guardian escapes the Dire Taken ambush.
Drifter: Somethin’ is doing this on purpose. The Taken are always lookin’ for someone with a backbone strong enough to lead ‘em. It’s one thing to pull Taken from the Ascendant Plane and make ‘em dance. But wringin’ out new ones…
Eris Morn: We cannot allow this. Drifter, with me.
Drifter: Yeah. Let’s keep movin’.
The Guardian finds another way forward.
Eris Morn: An anchor, deployed from the Dreadnaught. Is it attempting to Take the planet? No, an eversion!
Drifter: Turnin’ Earth inside out. Pullin’ the Ascendant Plane into our reality. Shut it down, hero.
Eris Morn: Remove the Taken! Send them screaming into the Ascendant Plane!
The Guardian defeats Gorkall, the Gatekeeper.
Eris Morn: The anchor is exposed. Guardian, approach with caution.
The Guardian makes contact with the anchor.