Tonic Table — Act III: Kell of Kells

"I really can't thank you enough for your help with Eramis. We're on the same side of this fight. So long as her people are safe, it's in her best interest to help us."

"Just in time too. Scouts from the House of Light found something out in the Reef—a formation of asteroids, lashed together. Between the reckless approach to construction and their taste in architecture, it's safe to say the Scorn are involved. We're closing in on Fikrul's base of operations, and everyone's pitching in on a plan."

"But before you go—I have something for you."

"I've spent countless hours studying Nezarec's curse. I've come to believe it shares a few elements with Dark Ether. I haven't yet found a safe treatment, but I did think of a way to weaponize my experiments against the Scorn."

"I hope it can be of use to you in the field."