Saint-14 — Legacy: A Rising Chorus: Act II

Saint-14 stands in the Hangar, tall and proud, his voice strong.

"Maya Sundaresh, risen from the Vex network," he says, shaking his head. Saint recognized Lakshmi-2's face, though Osiris explained to him it is just a mask Maya feels comfortable wearing. Saint shivers at the thought.

He tells you that he thought his personality might be lost completely when he accessed the mind of his other self.

"But as his thoughts merged with mine, it was as though I lived through his centuries of struggle," he says. "And suddenly, all questions the Conductor put in my mind were answered."

"It does not matter if am the 'real' Saint, or the 'true' Saint," he exclaims. "Every me, is me!"

Fully self-realized, when Maya attempted to command Saint again, he was able to resist.

"But still she forced me to my knees," he snarls. "She is growing stronger."

Failsafe is working to reestablish access to Maya's stronghold at the core of Nessus.

"And when she finds it… I will be ready."