Master Rahool — Rahool's Rewards Program

As you stroll through the Tower, Rahool waves you over.

"Guardian," he calls, "I have been meaning to thank you. The data we have been able to recover over the years has been invaluable to rebuilding the archives. I know you have a lot of options for cryptarchs here in the Tower, and I hope you know that your loyalty has not gone unnoticed."

You've never seen another cryptarch here, but before you can ask about them, he barrels onward.

"I know, I know. Words without action are only so much bluster. But I have something special for you," he says, reaching into his pocket, "I've been working on a new technique for focusing the results of exotic engrams. Now, I wouldn't do this for just anyone who asked. But for a loyal client like yourself…"

Rahool produces a small and battered card, handing it over to you with a flourish.