Failsafe v{var:1065713164}.{var:2637407284} — Legacy: A Rising Chorus: Act III

As soon as Saint-14 appears on the holoprojector, he begins telling you about how he and Osiris have been thinking of ways to defeat the Conductor.

Saint smiles beneath his helmet. "Osiris said the Conductor is very strong," he says, emphasizing the Conductor's name, "but maybe we can beat Maya Sundaresh."

Saint explains how the Echo of Command pulled Maya's consciousness out of the Vex network, but the network holds hundreds of different Mayas. The Conductor "could be the first one, or could be all of them smashed together. Maybe she does not even know herself," he says.

"But Osiris says all Mayas are scientists, and we can see her thoughts in her experiments."

Saint and Osiris believe the key to understanding Maya's plan is hidden in the Exo bodies in the depths of her lab. Failsafe has located tech to help you study them, and hopefully you can discover a way to stop Maya's plans.

"Brains, not brawn, yes?" muses the Titan, and he sends you on your way.