Failsafe v{var:1065713164}.{var:2637407284} — Legacy: A Rising Chorus: Act III

Saint-14 greets you from the holoprojector. He is handling the comms to let Failsafe focus on researching the readings from Maya's laboratory at the planet's core.

He had been speaking with Failsafe—"she had disengaged her filter, so she used her raincloud voice," he says—and she asked what it felt like to take the memories of his other self. He told her his other self was almost identical, aside from one important difference:

"You, Guardian."

"The other Saint, he died alone. But I met you, after Osiris sent you in to find me. You gave me hope in my darkest time. I fought to live up to your example—that is how I survived. And slowly, I found I was no longer living for you… but I was living for me."

He says that Failsafe was quiet afterwards, seemingly lost in thought.

"I think it was a good talk," he says and smiles.