Failsafe v{var:1065713164}.{var:2637407284} — Legacy: A Rising Chorus: Act II

Failsafe is delighted that the latest research specimen you have brought her is a small frog.

"Technically one of the Nessus proto-amphibians that developed adjacent to the Vex, but yeah, pretty much a frog," she says.

In honor of Captain Jacobson, Failsafe's original commanding officer, she decides to name the frog Captain Jacobson.

"Don't worry," she reassures you. "It's an honorary title. The frog will have no real authority."

Failsafe is so pleased with the frog that she divulges something that has been weighing heavily on her mind: she proposed a new theory on how to locate the Conductor, but it troubled Ikora so deeply that she asked Failsafe to keep it to herself.

"Thanks again for the frog!" Failsafe says, while you decide to speak with Ikora and learn the details of this disturbing new theory yourself.