Failsafe v{var:1065713164}.{var:2637407284} — Legacy: A Rising Chorus: Act I

Failsafe has been analyzing the samples and data you collected from Nessus, and she sums them up in a single word: Weird.

"It is super weird!" she says. "I have been observing the Nessus Vex for centuries, and their current behavior is utterly unfamiliar to me."

"The Vex are a techno-organic mesh of networked consciousness," she begins to explain, "unbound by time, inevitable and patient and cruelly ambivalent, et cetera."

Her tone becomes gravely serious. "This feels… different. Something's happening on Nessus, and I'm not sure the Vex are behind it."

"And that terrifies me."

Her voice becomes bright and cheerful once again. "Nothing you can't handle!" she says, brimming with enthusiasm. "It's an exciting mystery and I can't wait to figure out together!"