Failsafe v{var:1065713164}.{var:2637407284} — Captain's Log

As you upload your most recently gathered data into Failsafe's system, she activates her remote uplink and her H.E.L.M. holoprojection blinks to life.

"I have something for you, Captain!" she says excitedly. Her systems whirr as she initiates a transmat. "It took me a while to replicate, but you've been helping me so much, and I wanted to return the favor!"

There's a cheerful chime and a panel on the console in front of you hisses open, revealing a shimmering engram. It's slightly warm to the touch.

"I hope that this will enable you to collect data more efficiently!" she says courteously, then her voice drops to a conspiratorial stage whisper.

"Through, y'know. Violence."

Her lights wink out as you claim your reward.