Eva Levante — Celebrating Solstice

Eva greets you with a smile, as she ever does. "You're doing good work with that Forge, I see," she says, and reaches out. "Allow me? I have something that will unlock its potential for you."

She takes the Forge and, referring to a carefully-sketched diagram, removes the back panel. She keeps talking as she installs a piece that glows in a rippling, humming sort of way. "This will let you reconfigure its material needs to suit your preferences. It's all very technical." Eva laughs warmly as she closes the Forge up again and hands it back to you.

"And you'll need these as a catalyst." The last thing she gives you is a small stack of Silver Leaves.

You can use Silver Leaves to refresh the selection of bounties per category offered in the Solstice Forge. Use this to help you better align your objectives across each of the armor piece categories. To earn more Silver Leaves, complete activities while carrying the Solstice Forge.