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Red Tape

Drink deep of the dead.

Crow adjusts his mask as he slinks along the City street. A crowd gathers around a man robed in red and gold, whose agents are distributing food. Crow's own stomach growls. A woman is torn from the line. "You have been warned before. No food for scavengers who live outside these walls. We take care of our own first."


He returns from the memory to relay his judgment. "Whether you like it or not, these Eliksni are refugees. Regardless of previous allegiance, they are here now. We will feed them." Crow ends the holocall.


"Please, just some seeds—" Crow turns from salvaging what he can from a destroyed Ether tank to listen in. "I am here to find the cause of this madness, not sow crops." The Titan stalks among the Eliksni, but no one comes forward with evidence. Brazen, he shouts, "If you will not help yourselves, then I can do nothing."


"Tents are not safety. We can do better than ignoring how their presence makes us feel. Your zoning request is denied." Crow ends another holocall.


"I can't stand all that red tape." The Ace of Spades' report can be heard over the radio. "Sometimes in order to help folks, you have to let some paperwork fall off the table."

Crow pauses. "You would prefer things lawless?"

"The Shore is nice to visit! Can't stay long, though."


Exhausted, Crow ignores the incoming holocalls. Eido's words echo in his thoughts.


Category: Eliksni
