The H.E.L.M., The Moon's Orbit
The Guardian returns to the Exo Frame to speak to Clovis Bray.
Clovis Bray: Of course Rasputin changed the launch codes—that blasted paranoid machine! I never understood Anastasia's obsession with teaching the Warmind independent thought. That only made it more difficult to control. No matter. I will find the new launch codes eventually. But the station will prove useless if we do not rebuild Rasputin first. Even with the Malahayati submind reintegrated into its AI core, the Warmind is incomplete. We must find another source of data. I will put my mind to the task. In the meantime, continue retrieving submind data from the vaults that we know remain intact. And do try to minimize the damage to the surrounding equipment. It is still BrayTech property, after all.