Adventure: The Runner

The Lighthouse, Mercury


Osiris: Guardian, I've detected a single Cabal within a simulation, carrying encrypted data between two points. The scientist in me would say the Vex are running a test - a continual loop to establish a benchmark dataset. To what end, I am not sure.

Ghost: Sounds like we'd better find out what they're after.


Sagira: Remember that big Cabal trapped in the labyrinth? You're not going to believe this - it's back.


Osiris: The Vex are continuing their studies of Cabal behavior. They have reestablished the encrypted data transmission.

Sagira: More to the point, the Cabal are marching again. Better get moving.

Infinite Forest, Mercury


Sagira: The Vex are focusing a lot of processing power on this particular simulation. This is a big deal for them.

Ghost: If you can tell that, can't you terminate it from your end?

Sagira: Ever try to remotely control a machine on a perpetual feedback loop? YOU'RE the off switch. Go close it down.


Sagira: It's funny. The Vex keep running the same test, but they haven't changed the defenses yet.

Osiris: They are eliminating all stray variables that could affect their results.

Sagira: So, Guardian… Go be you - the stray variable.

The Guardian traverses the Infinite Forest, heading towards the entrance to the Simulant Present.


Ghost: With everything they could be doing in the Forest, why would the Vex choose to focus so much effort on a solitary Cabal in a single simulation?

Sagira: It will depend on how important that one Cabal is. What it carries may be critical to their ultimate plans.


Sagira: If they're trying to transmit data, why use the Cabal?

Osiris: That is what we must determine through careful study and observation.

Sagira: I say you smash first and ask questions later.

Simulant Present, Mercury

The Guardian finds Valus Traud, Proxy.


Ghost: He's making a break for it. Let's drop him.


Sagira: Aaand he's on the run. Bet you can stop him.

The Guardian pursues Valus Traud, Proxy through several checkpoints.


Ghost: Now's our chance.


Ghost: Oh, no. We're not done with you.


If the Guardian defeats Valus Traud, Proxy.

Ghost: OK, let's see what inside. Oh. This is code for what looks like a phage. Part technology, part biology. Just like the Vex.


If the Guardian defeats Valus Traud, Proxy.

Osiris: Yes, good. This will force the Vex to recalibrate.

Sagira: That means "thank you" in Osiris.


If Valus Traud, Proxy escapes.

Ghost: We've lost him.

The Guardian defeats a Gladiator and a Centurion.

Osiris: Another abstraction destroyed. Their data might have reached its destination, but the framework will soon be lost. And that is still a measurable victory against an enemy like the Vex. Well done.

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