Vanguard Dare Vest

Showing the history of Vanguard Dare Vest across 2 versions
From 2018.11.27 (Season of the Forge) to 2021.08.24 (Season of the Lost)


  • Vanguard Dare Vest

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/d650028b493b99628d398c79fd5928db.jpg
  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/a96311a08e9680f0566d3d61ab01d3d4.jpg


  • "Hunters never like Vanguard duty. Almost never. But Andal took it real serious. I don't think Shiro's forgiven him for it."

Flavor text

  • Random Perks: This item cannot be reacquired from Collections.
  • "Hunters never like Vanguard duty. Almost never. But Andal took it real serious. I don't think Shiro's forgiven him for it."

Display source

  • Random Perks: This item cannot be reacquired from Collections.