Electric Contender

Showing the history of Electric Contender across 2 versions
From 2024.03.05 (Season of the Wish) to 2025.03.11 (Heresy)


  • Umbral Contender
  • Electric Contender

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/09a8b5085a33031fe5dd5e4f8f68ef54.jpg
  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/b78e178818b6c9b6ddb0fae3c9742066.jpg


  • Land Void or Strand final blows in strikes. Higher strike scores and defeating combatants with melee abilities and finishers grants additional progress. Completing a strike grants significantly more progress.
  • Land Arc final blows or final blows with the Prismatic subclass equipped in Guardian Games Rushdown or strikes. Higher Rushdown scores and defeating combatants with melee abilities or finishers grants additional progress.

Display source

  • "Range may be effective, but melee is more satisfying." —Lord Saladin