Trials Opponents

Showing the history of Trials Opponents across 3 versions
From 2020.03.10 (Season of the Worthy) to 2021.08.31 (Season of the Lost)


  • Trials Opponents

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/9e2f5f5ec014901f1e7fdd8a149d053d.jpg
  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/84ece74ac454f57d1f42bc480e6d271a.jpg


  • Defeat opponents in Trials of Osiris.

Flavor text

  • "Do not forget that the ones you defeat will tomorrow be your ally. Treat them with respect." —Saint-14

Display source

  • "Do not forget that the ones you defeat will tomorrow be your ally. Treat them with respect." —Saint-14