Europa Chest

Showing the history of Europa Chest across 5 versions
From 2020.11.10 (Beyond Light) to 2022.05.24 (Season of the Haunted)


  • The Spoils of Europa
  • Europa Chest

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/6a2477fd9a3c6397fd2743e6e304d53e.jpg
  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/7c3d57b9844a03c00619d7ead94b5835.jpg


  • Return to Variks.

Flavor text

  • "The spoils of Europa are ours to take as much as anyone else. Bring your findings back to me." —Variks the Loyal
  • You've found a piece of Aged Armor. Variks may be able to identify it.

Display source

  • "The spoils of Europa are ours to take as much as anyone else. Bring your findings back to me." —Variks the Loyal