Preaching to the Fire

Showing the history of Preaching to the Fire across 4 versions
From 2019.07.31 (Season of Opulence) to 2021.08.31 (Season of the Lost)


  • Preaching to the Fire

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/bc0f2140ae01ea2eaf97defd3510096f.png
  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/ea2ccfc88186a9e1d8399b97918f563b.jpg


  • Defeat enemy combatants in the European Aerial Zone using Solar subclass abilities.
  • Defeat combatants in the European Aerial Zone using Solar subclass abilities.

Flavor text

  • "I've always wondered how you summon your inner fire. Is it like flexing a muscle? Is it a state of mind?" —Eva Levante

Display source

  • "I've always wondered how you summon your inner fire. Is it like flexing a muscle? Is it a state of mind?" —Eva Levante