Platinum Plunderer

Showing the history of Platinum Plunderer across 2 versions
From 2024.03.05 (Season of the Wish) to 2025.03.11 (Heresy)


  • Platinum Plunderer

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/8c1c8e90f254f63eca3831f8721a8a13.jpg


  • Earn points by defeating combatants and generating Orbs during raids and dungeons. Completing a raid or dungeon grants significant progress.
  • Complete 3 encounters in any raid or dungeon.
  • Earn points by defeating combatants and generating Orbs during raids and dungeons. Completing a raid or dungeon grants significant progress.

Display source

  • Prove your mettle to earn your medal.