Passage of Ferocity

Showing the history of Passage of Ferocity across 3 versions
From 2020.03.10 (Season of the Worthy) to 2024.03.05 (Season of the Wish)


  • Passage of Ferocity

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/28af17afa1a9aa2eaf99ed2558cbf994.jpg
  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/e80ca1903814dfbcd2dae45ad54edb7c.jpg


  • Grants access to this week's Trials of Osiris tournament. Teams of three compete until they win seven matches, lose three matches, or until the week's tournament ends.
  • Grants access to this week's Trials of Osiris tournament. Teams of three compete and earn reputation based on the number of rounds won on the passage.
  • Purchasing another Trials Passage will reset your Trials Passage.
  • Each victory at seven match wins grants significantly improved rewards.
  • Each match completed with a full fireteam grants a bonus chance for additional rewards.