Moonfang-X7 Robe

Showing the history of Moonfang-X7 Robe across 2 versions
From 2020.06.09 (Season of Arrivals) to 2021.08.24 (Season of the Lost)


  • Moonfang-X7 Robe

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/2609f42bc3852d3e862969809e8445a6.jpg
  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/1f07f850f765f132fed2f423ab3bf1b0.jpg


  • "Daito's property? You only own a thing 'till someone takes it from you. So nah, this beauty belongs to you now." —The Drifter

Flavor text

  • Random Perks: This item cannot be reacquired from Collections.
  • "Daito's property? You only own a thing 'till someone takes it from you. So nah, this beauty belongs to you now." —The Drifter

Display source

  • Random Perks: This item cannot be reacquired from Collections.