Let the World Burn

Showing the history of Let the World Burn across 3 versions
From 2019.06.04 (Season of Opulence) to 2021.08.31 (Season of the Lost)


  • Let the World Burn

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/ea2ccfc88186a9e1d8399b97918f563b.jpg


  • Defeat Guardians in the Crucible with a Solar subclass and Solar loadout equipped.

Flavor text

  • "Shaxx mentioned he could use some Solar Guardians in the Crucible. Can you see what this is about? He can be so needy." —Eva Levante

Display source

  • "Shaxx mentioned he could use some Solar Guardians in the Crucible. Can you see what this is about? He can be so needy." —Eva Levante