Born in Darkness Part 3

Showing the history of Born in Darkness Part 3 across 5 versions
From 2020.11.10 (Beyond Light) to 2022.05.24 (Season of the Haunted)


  • Key to the Truth
  • Born in Darkness Part 3

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/c8895e3579a6897ece1bdfa044a4f899.jpg
  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/4bfc1664e73ea011ed60a718755e7a17.jpg


  • • Defeat Vex and Fallen on Europa for their residual Darkness energy.
  • • Use Stasis abilities against combatants on Europa.

Flavor text

  • "In Clovis's research, he discovered traces of Darkness energy in every one of his subjects. Humans, Vex, even animals. We know now Darkness truly does reside within us all. Further decrypting Clovis's journal has pinpointed our next decryption algorithm, but to get there, we must begin by empowering the Skeleton Key with Darkness." —The Exo Stranger
  • The Skeleton Key needs to be empowered again, this time with Darkness residual energy from our foes. The Exo Stranger believes Darkness exists in every living being in some form, and the energy can be collected. She then implores you to continue honing your Stasis skills, which will also contribute the needed energy for the Skeleton Key.

Display source

  • "In Clovis's research, he discovered traces of Darkness energy in every one of his subjects. Humans, Vex, even animals. We know now Darkness truly does reside within us all. Further decrypting Clovis's journal has pinpointed our next decryption algorithm, but to get there, we must begin by empowering the Skeleton Key with Darkness." —The Exo Stranger