• Earn BRAVE weapons by completing Arcite bounties, Onslaught weekly challenges, and sets in Onslaught, and exchanging Trophies of Bravery in the Hall of Champions.
• Collect Trophies of Bravery by completing "Into the Light" bounties, sets in Onslaught, and activities throughout the system. Onslaught activities are the best source. Trophies of Bravery can be redeemed for weapons and armor in the Hall of Champions.
• Unlock new BRAVE weapons by completing the associated quest from Arcite. Once unlocked, any "Into the Light" weapon sources will have a chance to drop that weapon.
• Unlock the ability to attune to a weapon by completing a certain number of weapon pursuits. Attunement dramatically increases the chance for that weapon to drop from any BRAVE weapon source.
• Unlock access to armor chests and other rewards by increasing your reputation with Lord Shaxx.
See item descriptions for additional information.