Competitive Conduit

Showing the history of Competitive Conduit across 2 versions
From 2024.03.05 (Season of the Wish) to 2025.03.11 (Heresy)


  • Competitive Conduit

Image URL

  • /common/destiny2_content/icons/66f4d9413fc80a99cb0ce9765419fa04.jpg


  • Land Solar, Arc, Void, Strand, or Stasis final blows in Survival, Trials, Iron Banner, or Supremacy. Any final blows in Trials or Supremacy grant additional progress.
  • Land Solar, Arc, Void, Strand, or Stasis final blows in Survival, Trials, Iron Banner, or Supremacy. Any final blows in Trials, Supremacy, or with the Prismatic subclass equipped grant additional progress.

Display source

  • By the elements, you will smite them.